David Cash :Stupid bitch get ur game up... U don't see white kids suffering like this.. And if they are it's cause their crack head parents choose drugs over the well being of their own children.. I should know I was one.. Get ur shit together before u go off jackin ur jaw at someone u don't know.. I said it once ill say it again, "Fuck greedy ass, over privileged white people",.. And if u disagree fuck you too!!!!!630w
David Cash :And you prolly should practice what you preach.. Because if u were as color blind as u try to portray urself to be u wouldn't of seen me as a white guy, rather a quote, unquote "human being"630w
David Cash :Lol to Tiffany just because you looked up a couple of vocabulary words on google doesn't make you smart.. All that means is ur tech savvy.. Smart is knowing when to shut ur mouth and take shit for what it's really worth..630w
Tiffany Stahl :U do know this picture is very sad yes but it happens to all colors & race not just wat is portrayed here. I'm sure some racist prick made this photo to be rude but let's stop the hate fo'real. Feel for the baby as a human not the color of it. So to David who say's fuk white people,,,,, fo'real dude u look as white as they get so wat does that say about urself? #moron #uneducated630w