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<\/a>sofia<\/a> :<\/span>40\\\"<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span><\/span>538w<\/span>
<\/a>SaHaR<\/a> :<\/span>Great<\/span>541w<\/span>
<\/a>Mally<\/a> :<\/span>Jlo2<\/span><\/a>Yeah they are really good ! Just a nice change from lifting weights all the time too <\/span>542w<\/span>
<\/a>Jlo2<\/a> :<\/span>Great work outs! I do them with my trainer<\/span>542w<\/span>
<\/a>beth mousley <\/a> :<\/span>Oh cool<\/span>542w<\/span>
<\/a>Mally<\/a> :<\/span>It\\'s fine on Submarines u can\\'t feel anything when your under !! It\\'s like your not moving !<\/span>542w<\/span>
<\/a>beth mousley <\/a> :<\/span>I know but it was at night so I couldn\\'t really see anything<\/span>542w<\/span>
<\/a>Mally<\/a> :<\/span>beth mousley <\/span><\/a>Always look at the horizon and you won\\'t feel sick<\/span>542w<\/span>
<\/a>beth mousley <\/a> :<\/span>Well I couldn\\'t get to France on a ferry for 9 hours without felling sick so <\/span>542w<\/span>