Aisyah Afdila (Hi No. 681306)
I thank Allah for all the things He has both given and denied me, for only He knows what is best for me.
  • 220
  • 120
  • 1
  • 2013-11-11 3
  • 2013-08-30 5
  • 2013-08-27 4
  • 2013-08-23 9
  • 2013-08-19 1
  • 2013-08-17 8
  • 2013-08-15 7
  • 2013-08-15 4
  • 2013-08-14 5
  • 2013-08-13 7
  • 2013-07-29 1
  • 2013-07-28 5
  • 2013-07-25 3
  • 2013-07-23 9
  • 2013-07-22 6
  • 2013-07-22 9